Sunday, September 20, 2009

Web Interface - Critical Mass



These web interface designs were created to display our critical mass images. I created mine to relate to my theme of envy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Envy Postcards

In this project, I was instructed to create four post cards representing one of the 7 deadly sins. I chose envy. Each post card represents a girl envying something else. Also, every post card shows the envious one with her eyes wired shut. This is from an older belief that those who gave into the sin of envy would have their eyes wired shut as punishment. The first is a girl all alone in black and white envying the relationships of others above her. The second is a girl envious of all the designer things below her she does not have. The third is a fat girl on the left side of the mirror envying the awkwardly skinny girl on the other side. The final image is this girl wanting all of the fame and fortune she does not posses.

Those who are envious are in black in white, or lacking in color and density. The object that they are envious of is rich and in full color. Each set of eyes are wired shut to correlate to the older punishment for committing the sin of envy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Combinations - Image Methodology


These are images that I created for a project in my Image Methodology class. The project was to use a variety of scanned objects, scanned images, and images we took ourselves to create new objects or compositions.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

For this project, we were to take pictures around Austin. Then we had to connect one photo to the next through basic design principles such as line, color, space, shape, etc. The 6 images were printed in an accordion styled book.