Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Type Speciman Book


In this project, we were to select a font for a typographic study. We were then to create a type specimen book highlighting the fonts features.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Design Culture Now

This is a poster I design to advertise a design conference for a project in my typography class.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Font Creation - Hangman

In this charrette, we were to make six letters of a font (ABCPQR) by using a grid and a binary system (either a black square, or a white square). This is the actual font I turned in for the class. I called this one Hangman because it mimics the post used to play the paper version of the word game hangman.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Font Creation- Roman

This is a charrette for my typography class. We were to make six letters of a font (ABCPQR) by using a grid and a binary system. We were only allowed to color in full blocks. This was a second font I had designed for the project and not the original one I submitted for the class. I was inspired by roman influences and tried to mimic that in this font.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Charrette - Distruption

In this charrette for my typography class, we were to choose a word from a list and display its meaning through imagery and typography. I chose "disruption" and decided to show how the word itself was disrupted by falling in a spiral pattern. This was not the final piece I decided to turn in, however I now believe it was better than my original.

This was my final piece for this charrette. I put a bump in the word as if someone had disrupted the continuity of the word by pushing up the middle of the word.